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Holding a wedding party

Holding a wedding party in South Estonia, Põlva County

If you are looking for a place to hold a wedding and a wedding reception, you are in the right place. Ojakalda recreation center is a wonderful place to organize a wedding and have a wedding party.

Romantic weddings in South Estonia

What could be more beautiful than spending a romantic wedding in South Estonia. We can organize both a pairing ceremony and a wedding party. In addition, we offer accommodation with various additional services – a disco with light effects, etc.

If the weather is nice, you can decorate the outdoor area of the recreation center with decorations that match the theme of the wedding. If you can’t rely on the weather so surely, it is also possible to hold a wedding ceremony and party in our large main house, which can also be decorated to your liking.

Why hold a wedding party in the Ojakalda recreation center?

We highlight just a few points for holding a wedding in our recreation center:

Wedding traditions

What would a wedding party be without engaging games and traditions. Here are some wedding traditions:

You must have heard the saying about weddings “something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue”. Something old represents the bride’s past life and this item must be something from the bride’s family. Something new marks a new beginning in the form of a new family. This item can be something that has just been purchased. Something borrowed means that the bride can rely on her family and friends. This item could be borrowed from a happily married couple in the family or circle of friends. So there is hope that the happiness will also be transferred to the young couple. Something blue represents purity, innocence and love.

Garter tradition dictates that each leg of the bride has different colored garters, such as pink and blue. The groom’s task is then to pull the garter either blindly or without the help of his hands. A pulled garter is supposed to predict the gender of the first child. A pulled garter is also used to predict who will be married next. Similar to throwing the bride’s bouquet, the groom throws the garter over his back among the bachelors, and the one who catches it is the next to take the wife.

The tradition of planting a tree is that tree is planted after the marriage registration and before moving to the wedding party. Planting and watering the tree represents the young couple’s desire to work together in growing both the tree and the relationship.

The ritual of giving up the name is performed when the bride gives up her name when getting married and takes the groom’s name, or vice versa. The ritual of giving up the name can be performed in different ways, for example:

  • By writing the last name on a piece of paper and then burning it.
  • By writing on a stone and then burying it or throwing it away.
  • By writing a name on a cake, pieces of which are distributed.
  • By giving the name to a passing car in a gift bag.
  • By sending it in the sky with hot air balloon.
  • By writing the name on the glass and then smashing it with a hammer.
  • By sending it to sky with doves.
  • By writing the name on a piece of paper and putting it in a bottle and throwing it in the river.

The tradition of locking hearts with a padlock involves writing the names of the newlyweds on the padlock and then attaching the padlock in a public place. The lock is closed by the newlyweds and the groom then breaks the key in half and throws the key head into the river.

The wedding auction tradition usually takes place before the cake is cut. Everything that fantasy allows is put up for auction, the goal has usually been to cover the wedding expenses of the bride and groom.

The tradition of cutting the wedding cake is the culmination of the whole wedding party. The young couple cuts the wedding cake hand in hand, and if at the same time the bride tries to step on the groom’s feet, the woman will also have to pay her respects in the house. The first piece of the cake belongs to the newlyweds, the cake is served to them on one plate. The first bite is for each other, celebrating cooperation and supporting each other.

Accommodation in the main house

The newly completed main building of the recreation center can accommodate 10 people. We have 3 cozy rooms with a total of 10 beds.

Even the most lively parties can be held in the Ojakalda recreation center’s party house. We have enough space both inside and outside. The party house can be decorated according to your wishes and the nature of the party. In addition, it is possible to accommodate the celebrants right here on the spot – in the main house.

Holiday with family
Ojakalda recreation center is a great place to take time off and just relax. You can come to rest here with friends and the whole family.

In the Ojakalda recreation center, you can spend both a calm and an active family vacation. If you want to spend a peaceful family vacation, in the summer we offer the opportunity to sunbathe on the shore of the pond, enjoy the beautiful nature, etc. We accommodate the whole family in our cozy main house. However, if you want to spend an active family vacation, this option also exists. In the area of the recreation center, you can play various ball games, team games, go swimming, fish from the lake near the recreation center, and even go hiking in the beautiful nature of Southern Estonia.

The kitchen
It is important to us that the visitors of the recreation center should have as comfortable a stay as possible. Thanks to our well-equipped kitchen, all you have to do is bring your own food. All the necessary technology to prepare food and preserve it is already there. For dining, we have a large table with seating for six.

Ojakalda Rest Center – a place to hold a wedding party

In addition to holding a wedding party, we offer the opportunity to relax with the familyin the Ojakalda recreation center, organize children’s parties, family reunions and much more.

The Piigaste stream flows from the plot of the recreation center. A roaring waterfall is a sight to behold. In hot weather, you can go to the stream to get your feet wet, and you can sunbathe, play ball and much more on the beach area by the stream. There is also a pond in the recreation center area, which is adjacent to a beautiful beach area. You can also swim in the pond, play water games, and just enjoy your vacation and sunbathe. For those who want to swim longer, Janukjärv (also Jänukjärv, Janutjärv, Jaanekjärv) is 400 m away from the plot. You can also catch fish from the lake.

If you stay with us, be sure to check out the nearby natural beauty spots. There is a beautiful pine forest and Palojärv in the Kiidjärve-Kooraste recreation area. This place is good for the whole family, there are also hiking trails. The Viia-Jaani Labyrinth Farm is a place that is also suitable to visit with children. In the fields of the Viia-Jaani farm, there are different stone circles that have been inspired by different parts of the world. In the Labyrinth Farm, you can experience the effects of several labyrinths and stone spirals. Hiking enthusiasts should definitely check out the Voorepalu Põrgurada, which is suitable for everyone due to its length (0.5 km) and leaves time to admire the beautiful nature there in addition to hiking.

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